Thursday, June 19, 2008


So I'm thinking the best way to handle AD/HD (outside of medication) is to break my life into categories. Then I need to dedicate my time to each category, even setting up specific days of the month where I put all my focus into that one aspect. There will be no debating it, procrastinating, or creating some lame excuse. its simply something I MUST do. Otherwise everything starts to crumble.

For simplicity maybe it can be something as simple as this...


-Obviously health is the most important so it should be focused on first. This could entail eating right, excercise, preventative things, doctor visits etc. EX: a couple months ago I finally got a checkup after literally 8 years without ever going to the doctor. Stupid. But I'm healthy other than a slightly high blood sugar level. And I got loaded the night before I had the bloodwork done so there was probably some yeagermeister in the test tube. =)

In my experience, my cloudiness is much much worse when I am not eating right. I am certain that this disorder has a lot to do with diet.

-Passion being hobbies, having fun, experiences that fuel your spirit and make life worth living etc. I know there is some crossover with other categories so this might all change later.

This is probably the thing I focus on the most in my life. My music comes to mind. Listening to good music, good films, good books, connection with the world around you, travel, the things that we are alive for in the first place. I would assume that a big part of your life should be spent on this category. Maybe this could be called Passion & Leisure to cover sleeping in late, watching the simpsons etc.

-Career and Finances should be separate. I believe if you are working simply to make money the rest of these categories will diminish. I did that for 2 years and wrote about it in Feb. on this blog. Bad things.

I currently have a job I actually enjoy. Its directly related to the business I want to go into later so every day I come to work I am learning skills that will directly relate to my future. Its like I'm getting paid to go to school for myself. Pretty sweet.

-Finances Now we start getting into my problem areas. Balanced budget? What the hell is that? Saving for my future? Huh? Investments? WHaaaaa? Forgot to pay the phone bill for 3 months. Check.

Relationships - I also focus a lot on this category. I am fiercely dedicated to my friends and take active steps to keep in contact and frequently try to express to them how important they are in my life. I don't have a lot of good ones but the ones I have are fantastic. My family is also pretty spiffy, albeit atypical. (what is typical?)

My life is primarily acquaintances. People to go out with or talk business. I don't mind really.

Now dating is a different story. I have a fair amount of female friends, some have been previous romantic interests others not, but sex usually causes that aspect to get convoluted so I don't know how close I am to any women at this time. I am happy to say most women I have dated don't hate me. I am up front about my commitment issues and after a cooling off period we have a decent friendship.

Long term relationship stuff is a WHOLE topic in itself. Basically I suck at it.

- Chores Lets group this with all those things like cleaning your apt, car, self, paying bills, going to the grocery store, running errands etc. I am the absolute worst at this kind of thing. I never cook, I hate shopping, fixing broken things, or changing my oil. This is obviously the part that needs the most work.

The funny thing about all this is that I know that by not focusing on one aspect enough, my life starts to feel hectic and overwhelming. Focusing too much on one category leaves me feeling unbalanced and starts adversely affecting the other ones.

So basically I need to stop focusing so much on fun and fucking open my stack of mail for a change.

Now I will go to work on systems to improve each of these aspects of my life. A life lived with the attention span of a guppie. Actually now I go back to WORK. Shhh.

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