Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Only Austin

So last night my friend Emily calls me up and asks if I want to check out something she has been raving about to me forever. TC's blues jam.

I always hesitated because

a. i typically think blues music sucks
b. the types of people that go to blues jams are usually older, grizzled men
c. i do not really fit in with older grizzled men.

But I had just spent the last hour or so watching a copywriting seminar on DVD and was in need of some sort of stimulation so I went.

The bar (or should I say shack) was located in the territory of Austin I have rarely visited. The East side. The ghetto if you will. As I was driving my expectations were falling right into place.

So I get there and OH MY GOD.

This place was packed to the walls with people. Young people. Drop dead gorgeous women dancing their asses off to blues music played by a nerdy white guy.

No air conditioner so the women were shaking it while holding their hair up and sweating their asses off. The energy was electric. It was like something out of a film. I wanted to just completely get into it but I couldn't because I was so shocked at the vibe of the place. Only Austin will you find dilapidated shacks in the middle of the ghetto with an atmosphere like that. People just yelling and partying and those sick-hot texas women in cute dresses. It was something else.

the music even seemed, dare i say it, good.

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