Monday, April 2, 2012

Lately I've been thinking about God. And not in the limiting way that I think Christianity and other religions attempt to answer it with impractical certainties and Sunday school stories that are total BS.

I'm not even sure I believe in the concept of a monotheistic Judeo-Christian throne sitting, patriarchal creator. I certainly don't believe Jesus is the supreme path to an afterlife. I can't claim I'm a Christian.

But something I really want to know is are there loving beings beyond this reality that are watching over me, protecting me and helping me grow closer to what I believe is the ultimate aspect of living... love. Its hard to have these conversations without sounding cheesy and cliched but I do think Love is the ultimate reason for life.

I want to know someone has my back. That I am loved in a way I will never understand and that I can shape this life any way I want, provided I am moving towards a higher caliber of thinking and being. Id love to know that these amazing beings are pushing me towards this and WANT me to succeed.

I want to know "Is the Universe a friendly place?" as Albert Einstein famously asked. I really hope so.

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