Sunday, April 15, 2012

My gal came over with a giant transformer that doubles as a vacuum. It has this awesome window on it so you can see all the junk its pulling up.

This thing pulled shit from my carpet that I could scarcely believe. My carpet looks relatively clean but this badass vacuum found a bunch of old cat hair, dirt, dust you name it.

My carpet looks great and she doesn't feel itchy eyed anymore. She went kind of crazy and cleaned my kitchen too. Looks like I just moved in.


I started selling a little 7 page report about how to set up your Google Adwords account. Im selling it for $7 as a test and already have two sales. This is exciting because my old idea of selling to musicians was just a bad idea.

But if I can find a niche of business owners then that's going to change everything. These first 2 sales are a big win for me.

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